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What You Need To Know
Micro-dosing of buprenorphine allows someone to begin taking the medication without experiencing a painful withdrawal process first. This removes a huge barrier to care.
The first dose can also be given in a community setting such as an SSP, by a primary care physician, or in an emergency room.
Studies have shown that microinduction is better tolerated by patients and contributes to a decrease in people returning to illicit substance use.*
Medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) are most effective when someone chooses to start treatment (versus being coerced or mandated).
Where to Go for More Information
The Pharmacology of Buprenorphine Microinduction for Opioid Use Disorder
Buprenorphine Microdose Induction for the Management of Prescription Opioid Dependence | American Board of Family Medicine (jabfm.org)