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Needs Based Syringe Services Programs (SSPs) Are Most Effective
Needs-based syringe distribution is an evidence based practice that ensures a new, sterile syringe is used for each injection.* Stigma makes purchasing syringes difficult. Increase care by dedicating funds to purchase syringes.
What You Need To Know
The CDC supports the needs-based approach to syringe distribution, as the evidence shows that this is the best practice for reducing new HIV and viral hepatitis infections. 1,2
Restrictive syringe access policies are associated with higher injection risk behaviors and higher rates of HIV and other bloodborne infections.
Needs-based syringe distribution provides people who inject drugs access to the number of syringes they need to ensure that a new, sterile syringe is available for each injection. A needs-based approach provides sterile syringes with no restrictions, including no requirement to return used syringes.
Current federal law prohibits the purchase of syringes using federal funds. Settlement funds should be used for this critical expense.